Lots of information about health in social media today. Especially there is relatively a lot of negative information regarding the coverage of the current Covid-19 pandemic. Negative information has exacerbated the problem of the Covid-19 pandemic to become more complicated and has made the public panic and anxious. Especially the economic problems among the community regarding the limitation of the distance to interact. This study takes people’s comments from Twitter regarding public sentiment regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, seeing how much support the Indonesian people have in campaigning for health protocols on Twitter social media using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Naïve Bayes methods. Based on the dataset taken from Twitter in the range of December 2020 to February 2021, the average results of Indonesian people’s tweets on Twitter are mostly included in the not-campaign class, meaning that there is still a lack of awareness of the Indonesian people to help campaign health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic on the media social Twitter.
Author | Frieyadie,Fachri Amsury, Irwansyah Saputra, Ita Suryani, Asriyani Sagiyanto, Liliyana, and Instianti Elyana |
Conference Type | Scopus indexed Reputable International Conferences |
Published in | International Conference on Advanced Information Scientific Development (ICAISD) 2021 |
Quartile Rank | Non-Q |
DOI | 10.1063/5.0128481 |
Publisher | AIP Conference Proceedings 2714, 020017 (2023) |
Pages | 020017.1-020017.9 |
Semester | Genap 2022/2023 |
URL | https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/article-abstract/2714/1/020017/2889696/Health-protocol-campaign-tweet-classification?redirectedFrom=fulltext |
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